About Me – Mindfulness Coach for the BRAVE Open-minded here at MTMIND247
Mary Tipping
Mindfulness Coach and Old Tech lady….Still learning and loving it
Welcome BOOMER-X Tribe!!
Why is your blog named MTMIND247?
Many questions on this subject – so here goes. My favorite joke when I was little was to have someone point to their head and say my initials. (I will wait as you do this….)
Get it???
Who am I kidding I still do this joke every chance I get.
Hence how the blog got its name “Mtmind247”
More about me
Mindfulness Coach – Employee – Manager – Team Lead – Consultant – Business owner.
I have been in the tech industry for 30+ years wearing many hats and along the way worked with many systems with so many tools and in so many political cultures. My goal is to benefit you from my experience and help with what I have seen work well. I believe we all want to do our best and must help each other along the way.
Along with my love of all things Tech – in the background with my core self I also have been practicing Mindfulness in many different shapes and forms. There are many paths and I can help you as a Mindfulness Coach to find your best path. I do not want to get caught up on titles – like “Mindfulness Coach” because we really help each other with our level of consciousness.
“To love is to recognize yourself in another.”
I also keep space to realize I do not know it all and I am constantly striving and recentering. My most vital spiritual teacher has been Eckhart Tolle. He not only gives wisdom but also valid day to day steps to get there.
Currently involved in his latest retreat:
I am: Mom – pet mom – daughter – sister – wife – yoga student – joy seeker – student of mindfulness – tech geek.
This place (blog) will talk about tech stuff for sure but more importantly, how can it help make our lives BETTER! Assuming you are all around my age – so you are all now my BOOMER-X tribe if we want to go with the Generational speak. People talk about resisting aging and doing all they can do to remain young looking or hide wrinkles. I feel like we older folks have so much life wisdom we can make changes and adjust to life challenges seamlessly. But we have to be present to do it – let’s do it together!
Favorite Quote:
“You may know more than me at the moment – but you will never outwork me”